Can I buy property for 100% cryptocurrency?
Javier T.
Last Update 3 năm trước
Yes, you can buy a house, apartment or property for 100% cryptocurrency. Sellers and agents that publish on Cryptoprop are better educated and more willing to sell for cryptocurrency. In many cases the seller will let you know the crypto currency they are willing to receive; however, you can choose to make payment in BTC, ETH, or any other cryptocurrency you choose.
Keep in mind that you may have to consider exchange costs during the negotiations if you want to pay with a currency different than the one the property owner is willing to accept. Also, you may have other associated costs which may or may not be paid with cryptocurrency. You or your agent can and should identify these beforehand, including but not limited to local taxes, escrow fees or legal fees.
A CryptoProp Certified Agent can help coordinate the necessary process and documentation for a complete real estate purchase using 100% bitcoin or other cryptocurrency.